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Sinus Headache Remedies

There are various sinus headache remedies which if used correctly provide rapid relief. There are natural home based remedies, aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies, medication, surgery and Acupressure. The kind of remedy you choose depends on your condition and personal choice. However, sometimes the structure of the nasal passageway is such that there is no other option but surgery.

It's a very excruciating headache, where even the face is tender to touch. It's a pressure like pain usually behind the eyes and forehead and is caused by inflammation in sinus cavities in the face. That may be as a result of allergy, hay fever, viral infection, cold or flu. The nasal passageway gets blocked and swollen and impedes mucus from draining.

If you are looking for effective sinus headache remedies, then below are a few to provide relief and prevent the headache from coming back.

Cool compress. Place a cold compress on your forehead and close your eyes and try to relax.

Hot Pepper. Hot peppers, such as jalapeno, cayennes contain capsaicin which have decongestant property. So try to eat one and let your sinuses drain.
Humidifier. Sometimes dry air can also cause sinus headaches for some. In that case, place a room humidifier to keep moisture in the air. For those having chronic sinus headache should sit in the bathroom filled with steam several times during the day to loosen mucus and control pressure from building up.

Steam inhalants. Boil water and add 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil or peppermint and inhale the vapors for about 15 minutes. You can also try adding slices of one raw onion instead. Cover your head with a towel such that it covers the bowl and inhale its vapors. It's one of the most effective sinus headache remedies.

Another instant remedy is by adding ½ cup apple cider vinegar in ½ cup water and bringing the mixture to boil. Let it stand for a while and inhale the vapors. It's a strong inhalant and should be taken a little at a time.

Fluids. Drinking lots of fluids such as water, fresh juices and other non-caffeinated drinks can help loosen mucus and relieve the pain.
Foods. Foods containing vitamin C, such as fresh orange juice, lemonade at room temperature, warm bowl of tomato soup help loosen congestion. Pineapples are also useful in this condition.

Aromatherapy. It may provide temporary relief but is quite effective. Try placing frozen aromatherapy eye pillow with scents of peppermint, eucalyptus or menthol on your eyes. The weight of the flax seed inside the pillow provides the required acupressure and the scent helps to ease the pain.

Pressure points. This is another very helpful remedy. Apply pressure where your thumb bone and index finger meet to relieve the pain. You can also apply pressure on the sides of the nostrils, area between the eyebrows and the area above the middle of the eyebrows. This technique has been used for years and is very effective in relieving sinus conditions.

Over the counter medications. Medications such as ibuprofen, asprin, decongestants and other sinus specific medications are available over the counter. However, these may have side effects depending on individual's condition. Hence it's advisable to consult a doctor before going for any of these.

Most of us are comfortable with natural sinus headache remedies. However, some herbs may worsen your headache due to their strong smell or some may even interact with certain prescription drugs. In this case don't hesitate to consult your physician as that's not the right solution for you.

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