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Sinus Headache Remedies

There are various sinus headache remedies which if used correctly provide rapid relief. There are natural home based remedies, aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies, medication, surgery and Acupressure. The kind of remedy you choose depends on your condition and personal choice. However, sometimes the structure of the nasal passageway is such that there is no other option but surgery. It's a very excruciating headache, where even the face is tender to touch. It's a pressure like pain usually behind the eyes and forehead and is caused by inflammation in sinus cavities in the face. That may be as a result of allergy, hay fever, viral infection, cold or flu. The nasal passageway gets blocked and swollen and impedes mucus from draining. If you are looking for effective sinus headache remedies, then below are a few to provide relief and prevent the headache from coming back. Cool compress . Place a cold compress on your forehead and close your eyes and try to relax. Hot Pepper

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