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The Human Brain Fact

The human Brain functions as a control center for all bodily functions. Nearly 1.4-kilograms of brain mass occupy more than 1200 cubic centimeters of space and for about two percent of total body weight. Facts of the human brain What is the miraculous thing about the human brain ? This is one of the most powerful creations and extraordinary qualities. It is known to have an unapproved mystery, some of which is still undiscovered and least understood. The brain is a very complex network that has billions of neurons that make the ability to think, facilitate, process information and produce responses. Like the brain in other mammalian species, it is divided into three divisions of the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain or hind brain. Excessively, the human brain is smaller than large mammals, such as whales and elephants. But, your compilation takes on the relative size of the brain, it happens to be twice as large as a bottle dolphin.

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