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What is the structure of the muscular system?

The muscular system is composed of three types of muscle, Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth. These muscle function to move the skeleton or move materials. There are three types of muscle fibers cardiac, skeletal and smooth. Skeletal muscle is voluntary, multi-nucleated and striated. Cardiac muscle is involuntary, multi-nucleated and striated. While smooth muscle is involuntary, uni-nucleated and non-striated. The typical gross anatomy of a muscle is the large belly and two tendons. The insertion that creates the actual movement and the origin which anchors the muscle in place. Typically muscles move by a process called a contraction which causes the muscle belly to shorten. Muscles work in opposition. The muscle that contracts is called the agonist, while the one that relaxes is called the antagonist. The muscle belly is composed of bundles of muscle fibers called fascicles. It is the muscle fibers which are composed of myofibrils that actually do the contracting because of specialized uni

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