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Function of lung in human body

Function of lung. The lungs are respiratory organs because they are involved in gas exchange. If these vital organs are removed because of several diseases, the person concerned will not be able to live anymore. They are found in the chest area. The main tubular branches are called Lungs which gradually divide into bronchioles and the smallest air sacs with a single cell layer. The main role assigned is the extraction of oxygen from the air atmosphere and the release of carbon dioxide from the body. As you breathe air into the lungs, oxygen is transferred into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide in the bloodstream is transferred to the atmosphere. Lung Facts A person will be able to survive with a pair of lungs. But this will weaken if a person lives with only one lung . The average volume of air taken by the lungs every day is around 9,000 liters. The lung structure in newborns breathes at a faster rate compared to adults.

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