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About Chest Muscle Cramps

Heart attack, this is probably the first thing you think of when you feel cramps in your chest. In fact, cramps and pain in the chest are not necessarily related to the problem at heart. Research finds that chest pain occurs due to contractions in muscles around the ribs. This contraction cannot be controlled and can cause muscles in the chest to be strained to seizures or commonly known as chest muscle cramps.

In order not to mishandle chest muscle spasms, you need to know the cause. Let's look at some causes of chest muscle cramps and the way it is handled.
About Chest Muscle Cramps
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Chest pain due to angina can occur after you have recently performed a considerable physical activity. Angina is caused by an artery to the narrowed heart so that blood flow does not run normally and the heart works harder. When angina attacks, there are some symptoms that arise. You may feel shortness of breath and left chest pain that feels piercing. Due to these symptoms, not infrequently angina is misinterpreted as a heart attack.

Stomach acid
In certain conditions, gastric acid may rise to the esophagus. This condition is called gastric acid reflux. Its impact is a burning-like flavor around the breastbone so it is often regarded as a heart attack. If you have a stomach acid reflux more than two times a week, consult a doctor immediately. The reason is, it is a symptom of GERD that should be treated immediately.

Another fairly common cause of chest pain is costochondritis, which is the case when your ribs come into contact with cartilage. The cause may vary from chest injuries to viruses. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as pressure on the chest wall such as tense chest muscles.

Tense muscles
Strenuous activities like exercise can make muscles on your body become tense, including chest muscles as well. Not to mention if you have injuries in the chest because of the depressed nerves. It can be felt from the chest to the whole of your arm even to numbness. This makes tense muscles often regarded as a heart attack.

These are some of the conditions that cause chest muscle cramps In addition to a heart attack. When cramps occur, keep your muscles less tense. There is a first handling way to relieve cramps called Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

Immediately rest. During cramps, immediately stop doing the activity until the chest cramps subside. If cramping is repeated even up to a few days, reduce the intensity of your activity or take time to rest at home.

Compress the painful part. To help relieve chest muscle cramps, compress with towel-coated ice. Compress the painful parts for approximately 20 minutes. You can repeat it several times until it feels more comfortable.

Bandages. In addition to compressing, you can bind a chest of pain with a bandage. However, you should ask the help of an experienced nurse or physician to help bind your chest with the right technique.

Be in an upright position. If cramps attack, you can take the stance of sitting upright. Avoid lying down when chest muscle cramps occur. While sitting upright, you can give a mild massage to feel more comfortable.

Taking a pain reliever. Painkillers can be an option if the Cramps do not subside. Some easy-to-find pain reliever medications are aspirin

That's the thing you need to know about chest muscle cramps. Try not to panic when cramps occur so that the pain does not get worse. 

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