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Various Things Become Body Fat Factors

Having a healthy and ideal body almost becomes everyone's dream. The effort to apply a healthy lifestyle is done as much as possible in order to get a slim body. However, unknowingly there is a certain activity that becomes your body fat factor.

One of the most unnoticed factors of fat loss is sleep deprivation. The same is caused by a lack of sleep, common and can be due to various things. Usually, it is also accompanied by a snack. Well, the more snacks are eaten, the more calories that enter the body, so that it can trigger your weight gain. Moreover, the farming habits can also interfere with the body's metabolic processes, including your digestion.
Various Things Become Body Fat Factors
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Various Things Become Body Fat Factors

In addition to sleep deprivation, there are a variety of other things that can also make your weight grow, and often you are not aware of it. Among them are:

1. Stress
High levels of stress hormones named cortisol are assessed to trigger an increased appetite, especially foods that are high in fat and sugar. This will result in fat stored in the body and make your body weight rise.

2. Taking certain medications
There are some medications prescribed by the Doctor as well which become your bodyweight factor. Among these are antidepressant drugs, steroids, antipsychotic drugs (used to treat schizophrenia disorders and bipolar disorder), medications to cope with migraines, seizures, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

3. Sit for hours
Lack of physical activity when in the office can be a factor of fat loss. Research shows, the increase in weight will be higher in employees who sit all day, compared to the active move. However, there are still many other factors that affect weight gain, so further study is still needed.

4. Length of time on the road
According to a study, those who ride public transport when departing and returning home from the workplace tend to have lower body mass index (BMI) than those who drive or carry private vehicles.

5. Using Large tableware
There are studies that find, one tends to eat more when consuming food served in large containers. According to a researcher, food served in a smaller container, will look more and already fill the container, so you feel it is enough to eat.

6. Suffer from certain diseases
Gaining weight can also be a symptom of a particular disease. For example, one symptom of the liver is the ascites that can initially make the stomach dilated and cause weight gain. In addition, there are still a variety of other diseases that can lead to increased weight, such as heart failure, hypothyroidism, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Eating snacks or snacks is also a factor in your fat loss. Eating snacks is delicious, from delicious food to fast food. Eating habits can occur because it adapts to the surrounding environment. If you see a friend buying or consuming a snack, then you will also be more likely to get a purchase or take it. This is often the case in the Office and campus.

If you are trying to achieve or maintain the ideal body weight, avoid the various activities and habits above, as it may be a fat loss factor that may be unconscious.